Today Tonight Adelaide with Dr Arnis Lidums

 Dr Arnis Lidums from Lidums Dental discusses sugar addictions with Today Tonight Adelaide and how soft drink consumption is destroying the teeth of our children.

According to Today Tonight Adelaide, a local study has found that one in 8 children have more than 3 glasses of sugary drinks a day so the call for warning labels on soft drinks has been announced.

“We seem to be seeing more and more people that are coming in with fairly serious problems at a young age.”

The story discusses a young man’s story that led him to tooth loss and dentures at the age of 26. Dr Lidums is seeing children as young as 6 having to have rotten baby teeth removed because children are drinking soft drinks instead of water.

“Drinking litres and litres of soft drink daily would be the equivalent to having your teeth stored in an acid bath all day long.”

Compared to water, which has a neutral PH level, soft drink is acidic and filled with sugar which causes tooth erosion. Today Tonight Adelaide states that soft drink is about 5000 times more acidic than water in comparison.

The story discusses the extreme rise in the consumption of fizzy drinks with an estimated volume of over 100+ litres of soft drink consumption per person.

“Initially the teeth may become sensitive. They’ll start to become shorter as the protective enamel over the surface of the teeth disappears.”

A report carried out by the School of Dentistry at The University of Adelaide found that there is a big association between the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages and dental decay. When you consider that, according to a publication posted in The American Journal of Public Health found that almost 60% of children between the ages of 5 and 16 consume at least one sweet drink a day.

How much soft drink do you drink in a day?

How healthy are your teeth? Here at Lidums Dental in Adelaide, Dr Arnis Lidums practices blame-free dentistry so you don’t have to feel judged during your appointment. Take the time to organise a check-up here at Lidums Dental and give our expert team the opportunity to take care of your beautiful smile so you can smile for life.

Today Tonight Adelaide with Dr Arnis Lidums

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