New Teeth in a day? Yes it’s possible and available at Lidums Dental!

Historically, dental implant treatment took many months, with multiple stages of surgery and recovery. Thanks to advancements in dentistry, you can now achieve a completely new smile in just one day!

This is welcoming news for patients who are nowadays less will­ing to endure the long-winded and dif­fi­cult jour­ney of tra­di­tional implants. At Lidums Den­tal on Hind-marsh Square, we offer an inno­v­a­tive solution.

You may have heard people refer to this as “Teeth in an Hour”, “Teeth in a Day” or “Same Day Teeth”. People can enjoy the benefits of an immediate renewed smile with renewed function in a shortened time with less trauma and quicker recovery times.

Depending on your situation, we can offer single tooth replacement dental implants or full jaw implants with our All-on-4 treatment.

All-on-4: The innovative alternative to dentures

Through a quick and minimally invasive procedure, All-on-4 allows the total oral rehabilitation of patients with the placement of only 4 titanium implants in each jaw. The Implants act as a foundation which allows the placement of a fixed set of teeth, indistinguishable from natural teeth. This technique stabilizes bone levels and keeps your jaw healthy.

The All-on-4 procedure provides the latest in innovative immediate dental implant protocols and technologies. The All-on-4 is a perfect alternative to dentures for the following reasons:

  • Only 4 implants per jaw (unless poor bone)
  • Procedure is well tolerated and of a short duration – typically takes about 1 to 2 hours for complete oral rehabilitation
  • No period with­out fixed teeth
  • Natural-looking teeth that feel and work like your natural dentition;
  • Highly hygienic – easy to maintain and clean;
  • The entire pro­ce­dure can be done at one location
  • Per­formed under Sedation/General Anaesthetic
  • Less recov­ery time
  • High Suc­cess rate

Am I eligible for same day dental implants?

While the All-on-4 pro­ce­dure is a reli­able pro­ce­dure with high success rate, the procedure is not for everyone. To be able to pro­vide the imme­di­ate All-on-4TM pro­ce­dure, many aspects need to be favourable for the patient to qualify:

  • Ade­quate bone (to be assessed with 3-D X-rays and software)
  • Good gen­eral health and heal­ing capac­ity (smok­ers need to go through a smok­ing ces­sa­tion pro­gram or, oth­er­wise, accept a tra­di­tional delayed approach)
  • A Blue­print (agreed smile and bite goals)
  • Con­trol of den­tal dis­ease prior to implant place­ment (to reduce bac­te­ria in the mouth)
  • A com­mit­ment to hav­ing a soft diet for 2 months (dur­ing implant bone integration)

Advanced technology for assessment and precise placement

At Lidums Dental, 3-D computer X-ray imaging is often used to assess available jaw bone prior to the procedure. We have the latest technology and computer software which can demonstrate the shape of your jaw bone in 3D. We can assess and predict available bone and implant position prior to the day of the procedure. This helps to confirm the suitability of implants in any given site and will help to anticipate challenges in advance.  We can place the implants in virtual reality before we place them in your jaw.

In good hands at Lidums Dental

The team at Lidums Den­tal is one of the most expe­ri­enced in Aus­tralia. For over 20 years, we have been involved with edu­ca­tion and train­ing of den­tists across Aus­tralia in plac­ing and restor­ing den­tal implants. If your teeth are miss­ing or “beyond hope”, you will be in good hands at Lidums Dental.

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