Modern Dentistry: Exceeding Your Expectations

Modern Dentistry is a refreshingly new concept in dental care

Lidums Dental on Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide is the state-of-the-art centre for dental transformations including: cosmetic, implant and restorative dentistry.  The procedures we use are progressive, and with the help of advanced technology we can help improve your quality of life, self-esteem and overall health for our patients.

Modern vs Traditional dentistry

Over the past decade, dentistry has made some significant steps forward in terms of approaches, technologies, procedures and techniques. In the instance of a dental emergency, traditional dentistry would often require extraction or problem teeth were repaired. While this traditional approach solved the dental problem initially and at the level of the individual teeth, in the long term it has the potential to cause negative implications for your oral and overall health. Problems that initially seemed minor would compound and start to seriously affect general health and wellbeing. Significant deterioration can occur to the dental bite, jaw bone, mouth and eventually the face.

Other compounding issues include:

  • Teeth are lost due to disease, breakages and other emergencies
  • Teeth wear
  • Teeth become unstable and move
  • The bite collapses and loses efficiency
  • Teeth no longer support facial soft tissues
  • Oral disease causes general health to suffer
  • Disease and bacteria in the mouth can enter into the blood stream and elevate the risk of heart attack or stroke.

With modern dentistry we are able to target your compounding dental problems and treat your teeth accordingly.

Enhancing your dental experience through modern dentistry

At Lidums Dental on Hindmarsh Square in Adelaide, we have practised over 25 years of innovation, experience and research to develop one of the most modern comprehensively-equipped dental cen­tres in Australia.

Advanced technology to provide optimal oral care and quality service

  • Lat­est com­puter imag­ing tech­nol­ogy assists us to cre­ate beau­ti­ful natural-looking smiles
  • Train­ing facil­ity includ­ing a state of the art lec­ture the­atre with built-in video cam­eras to record pro­ce­dures for train­ing pur­poses and education
  • Dig­i­tal X-rays and plan­ning soft­ware (includ­ing OPG and 3-D Tomog­ra­phy) to pro­vide high­est qual­ity, safety, con­ve­nience and very low dose radiography
  • Mul­ti­ple large state-of-the-art clin­ics for sur­gi­cal, restora­tive, cos­metic and hygiene procedures

A holistic approach to modern dentistry to ensure your absolute comfort

Our mission in providing modern dentistry procedures, treatments and techniques also extends to the look and feel of our practice. At Lidums Dental on Hindmarsh Square it is our stunning architecture, the use of the latest technologies and procedure, coupled with our dedication to providing comfort, privacy and care that has established us as one of the most modern comprehensively-equipped dental centres in Australia. The attention to detail at every level helps produce truly outstanding results for our patients.


  • Quiet non-clinical con­sul­ta­tion and sched­ul­ing rooms, away from the busier clin­i­cal areas, with the empha­sis on confidentiality
  • The ulti­mate in patient pri­vacy and com­fort with acoustic wall pan­els throughout
  • One-way vision win­dows to the street view (for privacy)
  • Views to out­side from all clin­i­cal con­sul­ta­tion rooms which also provide abundant nat­ural light


  • House den­tal lab­o­ra­tory and tech­ni­cians (cus­tomised aes­thetic results pro­duced with excel­lent qual­ity control)
  • Exten­sive port­fo­lios and dis­plays show­cas­ing thou­sands of pho­tos of our patients (before and after shots)
  • Full range den­tal lab­o­ra­tory ser­vice of high-strength aes­thetic ceramic, implant and den­ture pro­ce­dures (includ­ing high-tech Tita­nium, Zir­co­nium, Lithium Di-Silicate and acrylic materials)


  • In-House Day-Stay sur­gi­cal the­atre and recov­ery suite (set up for ded­i­cated den­tal pro­ce­dures par­tic­u­larly implant surgery, not just as a rou­tine gen­eral hos­pi­tal theatre)
  • Seda­tion or gen­eral anaes­thetic options avail­able (with our own anaes­thetist who is expe­ri­enced in our spe­cialised pro­to­col require­ments for ulti­mate com­fort and safety)
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